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(1) Charles Darwin University (‘the University’, ‘CDU’) recognises that effective complaint management and the equitable review of decisions contribute to a positive and supportive learning environment for students. This policy is designed to ensure that student complaints are resolved promptly, with sensitivity to all parties and in line with the principles of procedural fairness. Students can feel confident that complaints will be dealt with fairly, appropriately and in a timely manner, and that they will not be penalised or disadvantaged for making a complaint. (2) This policy outlines the principles for effective complaint resolution, welcoming complaints on all aspects of University life and ensuring complaints are treated as valuable insights into improvements that are needed in students’ experiences at CDU. (3) This policy applies to all students who are enrolled at the University, whether in a qualification or short course, and includes those studying with partner organisations. (4) Complaints resolved under this policy include: (5) Complaints not considered under this policy include those about: (6) The University welcomes student concerns, complaints and feedback, aiming to resolve the issues at hand and improve its processes and services, delivering better outcomes for students. (7) Complaint processes will be applied fairly and consistently and be clear and easy to follow, ensuring students understand their rights and responsibilities. (8) The University will manage student complaints to ensure: (9) All parties involved in a complaint are expected to be courteous and respectful, acting in a professional manner and in good faith to seek a reasonable resolution. (10) Students who make a complaint can expect: (11) Students may lodge a complaint anonymously, noting that the University might be limited in their ability to investigate or resolve the complaint. (12) The University may conduct its own investigation based on information it receives, even if a complaint has not been submitted or has been withdrawn. (13) A student who lodges a frivolous, vexatious, or deliberately misleading complaint will have it dismissed and may be subject to disciplinary procedures under the Student Code of Conduct. (14) The University adopts a three (3) step approach in resolving student complaints: (15) Complaint or appeal outcomes will be evidence-based and consider the desired outcome of the complainant. There may be a wide range of outcomes appropriate for a complaint or appeal, including but not limited to: (16) Complaints raised quickly (within 10 working days) and locally often have the best chance of resolution and can result in immediate improvements in the local area. (17) Students are encouraged to raise complaints with the staff member or area closest to the source of the issue. This can be done face-to-face, via telephone, or email. (18) It is the responsibility of both parties to explore options for resolving the issue as soon as possible after it has been raised and to do so in a courteous and respectful manner. (19) If the complaint can be resolved, the staff member involved will email the student summarising the initial concern and agreed resolution, with a copy to the Student Policy and Complaints team for record keeping. (20) There is no requirement to resolve complaints locally. Students have the option of requesting a formal complaint as the first step in the complaint resolution process. (21) A formal complaint can be submitted in writing (or another accessible format) to the Student Policy and Complaints team where: (22) Formal complaints should be submitted within twenty (20) working days of the incident occurring or, where local resolution was attempted, within twenty (20) working days of the notification of the outcome. (23) The Student Policy and Complaints team will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within two (2) working days. (24) Formal complaints will be assessed by the Student Policy and Complaints team within 10 working days of receipt. Students may be asked to clarify the complaint, provide a detailed statement or provide additional evidence. Information may also be requested from other relevant parties. (26) Staff members responsible for resolving formal complaints may request to meet with the complainant and with other parties to the complaint and may request or access additional information. They may use a combination of investigation, mediation or negotiation to attempt to resolve the complaint. Where there is conflicting evidence, they may make a determination based on the (27) Students will usually be provided with a written outcome within ten (10) working days of the referral of the complaint, including details of the basis of any decisions, and the student’s option to appeal. (28) The Student Policy and Complaints team will monitor the progress of all formal complaints and keep students informed about their progress. (29) A student can lodge an appeal in writing (or another accessible format) with the Student Policy and Complaints team within twenty (20) working days of receiving the outcome of their formal complaint. (30) An appeal will only be accepted where one or more of the following conditions have been met: (31) The Student Policy and Complaints team will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within two (2) working days. (32) Appeals will be assessed by the Student Policy and Complaints team. Students may be asked to clarify the appeal, provide a detailed statement or provide additional evidence. Information may also be requested from other relevant parties. (34) The Student Appeals Committee may request to meet with the appellant and with other parties to the appeal, including the person responsible for determining the outcome of the formal complaint. They may also request or access additional information. The Student Appeals Committee will then decide on the appeal outcome based on the evidence to hand. Where there is conflicting evidence, they may make a determination based on the (35) Students will usually be provided with a written outcome within twenty (20) working days of the appeal submission, including details of the basis of any decisions. (36) The Student Policy and Complaints team will monitor the progress of all appeals and keep students informed about their progress, taking into consideration student visa requirements. (37) The outcome of an appeal is final and there are no further avenues of recourse within the University. (38) Where a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of an appeal, they may refer the matter to an appropriate external organisation, usually (but not limited to) the Ombudsman NT. (39) A student with a complaint against the University may seek external review at any stage of the complaint resolution process, although it is expected that a student will have accessed internal processes before commencing external proceedings. (40) If a student on the VET Student Loan Scheme lodges an external complaint and is charged a fee, the University will reimburse the cost of the resolution process. However, where the student is accompanied or assisted by another person at the review, it will be at the student’s expense. (41) Any staff member with a perceived or actual conflict of interest in a complaint or appeal will not play a decision-making role or exert influence over the outcome of a case. (42) Confidential records relating to actions and outcomes of student complaints and appeals will be retained by the Student Policy and Complaints team and held separately from student academic records. Records will be disposed of according to the relevant University Retention and Disposal Schedules. (43) The Student Policy and Complaints team will aggregate data to monitor, review and report on complaints to relevant management and governance committees to identify common themes, trends and drive improvements. (44) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct – Students. (45) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure - Employees and Complaints Policy - Students. (46) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.Complaints Policy - Students
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
Complaint resolution
Step 1: Local resolution
Step 2: Formal complaint
Step 3: Appeal
External avenue for appeal
Conflicts of interest
Reporting on complaints
Top of PageSection 5 - Non-Compliance