Governance Document Library
The University’s policies and procedures govern university activities, including higher education, vocational education and training, research and research training as well as operational matters relating to staff, students, property and campuses, IT security and health and safety.
The operations of the University must be consistent with the regulatory requirements of the Charles Darwin University Act 2003 and with those regulatory requirements set out in Section 6.1 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the legislative component of the VET Quality Framework, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, Records Retention and Disposal Schedules, and all other relevant governing legislation.
The Charles Darwin University Act 2003, its associated by-laws and rules, and the Menzies School of Health Research Act 1985 are available on the University’s website.
This library is the only approved source of all Charles Darwin University Governance Documents. This library contains current policy and policy undergoing revision. Key terms are found in the glossary.
All University policies and procedures must be developed and reviewed in accordance with the Policy Framework.
Please notify of any errors or suggestions.
A - Z. SearchSearch the governance document library containing all policies and procedures. Bulletin BoardView policies and procedures that have come into effect in the last two months. Terms of ReferenceView the terms of reference for University committees. GlossaryView a list of terms and their standard definitions.
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