(1) At Charles Darwin University, we value fairness and promote respect, integrity, professionalism, accountability and equality of opportunity. Our Staff Code of Conduct exemplifies these values and provides guidance for staff to recognise and practise these values to shape our culture. (2) Our Staff Code of Conduct is aligned with the University Strategic Plan. Our unique location and our professional contribution across the Northern Territory define our opportunities and challenges in tertiary education delivery and in the applied research, we undertake. We hold the responsibility of meeting the needs of a diverse, small and widely dispersed population, with a high proportion of Indigenous Australians in the context of distinctive yet challenging physical environments. (3) The Staff Code of Conduct articulates and supports the expectation of Charles Darwin University that all staff will adhere to the highest standards in their conduct and behaviour in relation to both their work practices and the University. (4) All University staff are expected to perform their work with respect to the minimum standards and obligations outlined in this code, and carry out their duties ethically, efficiently and fairly. (5) The Staff Code of Conduct applies to all staff at all levels of the University and to honorary appointees, volunteers, members of Council and others who may be engaged with or represent the interests of the University. (6) The Code applies also to clients, colleagues and partners engaged in employment or partnerships with the University on campus, in University online environments and social media, or in external locations when representing the University. (7) Staff are expected to conform their personal and professional behaviour to the standards that could reasonably be expected of persons in such positions. This includes commitment to: (8) All Charles Darwin University staff are required to comply with relevant Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation as well as the policies and rules of the University. (9) We value fairness characterised by openness and impartiality in the conduct of our study and work in decision-making and in supporting and attracting staff and students. Fairness is exercised in compliance with legislation and regulations, and is also demonstrated through mutual respect, constructive interpersonal relationships and honest communication. (10) We will act with fairness in all our dealings through, for example: (11) We value respectful and polite conduct. We demonstrate consideration and regard for the rights, privacy and feelings of others, and for the differences across cultural backgrounds, beliefs and abilities. (12) We will act with respect for others through, for example: (13) We value integrity and professionalism in our activities and across academic, teaching and management functions. Professionalism is characterised by competency, skill, quality service delivery, and the expectation that staff will conduct their duties in a responsible and conscientious manner. (14) We will promote integrity and professionalism through: (15) We value accountability and take responsibility for our actions within the scope of our work, study and community engagement. This includes an obligation to report, explain and be answerable to the consequences of our actions. (16) We will ensure that accountability is practised by: (17) We value equality of opportunity and celebrate diversity. We recognise and support people from all ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds. (18) We will ensure that equality of opportunity is achieved through: (19) We value high standards of leadership. Senior Staff, as leaders and role models for other staff, students and the wider community, will adhere to the highest standards of propriety and truthfulness in scholarship, research and professional practice. (20) We are committed to values-based leadership through: (21) A substantiated breach of any part of this code of conduct will result in disciplinary action. The appropriate procedure will depend on the severity of the breach. (22) A staff member has the right to appeal any disciplinary procedures or outcomes instituted under this procedure. Appeals must be made according to the process outlined in the Employee Grievance Procedures. (23) The University will provide staff members with access to education and training in relation to the requirements of this Code and related procedures. (24) Where staff, students, clients or partners are uncertain about the Code’s application or interpretation, they should consult with the relevant Dean, Director or senior manager if appropriate. (25) The Code should be read in conjunction with the current University Strategic Plan, Enterprise Agreement and other industrial instruments that may apply from time to time, and with University policies and procedures. (26) The Code should be read in conjunction with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 8th Edition 2013. (27) The University and its staff members, students, clients and partners are accountable for their conduct and behaviour. (28) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct – Students. (29) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Complaints Procedure - Staff and Complaints Policy - Students. (30) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.Code of Conduct - Staff
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
The Code
Integrity and Professionalism
Equality of Opportunity
Values-based leadership
Breach of Code of Conduct
Section 5 - Procedure
The Code of Conduct in Practice
Section 6 - Non-Compliance
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