(1) The University is committed to providing a residential environment conducive to study at all times, including a place for people to live while studying. The University Residences Code of Conduct applies specifically to students and/or other persons who may from time to time reside in any hall of residence or accommodation facility established or provided by the University. (2) Residents and guests who are visiting or using the facilities of a University residence are expected at all times to display mature, tolerant, courteous behaviour and consideration for others, and should act in such a way as to cause no offence, inconvenience, harm or disturbance to any other resident, staff member or any neighbour of the residence. Furthermore, no resident should act in a manner, which would bring the residential facility or the University into disrepute. (3) In order to fulfil its functions of imparting and gaining knowledge, the University has the authority and responsibility to maintain order within the University and to penalise those who are disruptive. (4) The authority behind this policy is the Charles Darwin University Act 2003 part 9, section 47. (5) This is a compliance requirement under the Charles Darwin University (Student Residences) By-laws. (6) This Code outlines the positive standards of behaviour expected within the University’s residential community, which are specific to residential living. (7) In the context of this document (8) The University Residences Code of Conduct is based on the following principles: (9) The University Residences Code of Conduct objectives are: (10) Residents must accompany any invited guests who are visiting or using the facilities of a University residence at all times. (11) Residents and any invited guests or visitors are expected at all times, to: (12) Compliance with this Code of Conduct is a condition of residing at any University residence and any breaches may constitute a breach of the Charles Darwin University (Student Residence) By-laws, which may result in disciplinary action, in accordance with the Student Residences Misconduct Procedures. (13) Regardless of whether or not a person makes a complaint about an individual’s (and/or visitor’s) conduct or not, the Residence Manager has the discretion and authority to determine a penalty fine, expulsion, non-admission, conditional admission, or eviction from the University Residence. (14) The penalty amount imposed for misconduct will not exceed ten (10) penalty units. The Penalty Units Act 2009 sets the value of a penalty unit. (15) A Level One Breach will not exceed two (2) penalty units and may be applied for a first offence (other than in an instance of serious misconduct), after or in addition to, a resident being issued with a formal warning. (16) A Level Two Breach will not exceed four (4) penalty units and may be applied for repetitions of the same or similar instances as in a Level One Breach. Once a resident has received a penalty for a Level Two Breach for the same or similar offence, any subsequent misconduct however minor may result in removal from the residence, or, at the discretion of the Residence Manager, a penalty consistent with a Level Three Breach. (17) A Level Three Breach will not exceed ten (10) penalty units and may be applied in circumstances where, in the opinion of the Residence Manager, the misconduct is such that the offending resident should be given a chance to redeem him or herself, rather than face immediate eviction. This may include instances that are of an extremely serious nature such as physical violence or behaviour that places the safety and wellbeing of other residents and/or staff members at risk. (18) The following are examples, not limited to, of misconduct and the applicable penalty level the Residence Manager may impose. The Level is to be determined by the Residence Manager (19)
Top of Page (20) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Staff Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Conduct and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures. (21) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Governance Framework, Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedures.University Residences Code of Conduct
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Statement of Authority
Section 3 - Compliance
Section 4 - Intent
Section 5 - Relevant Definitions
Top of PageSection 6 - The Code
General Conduct
Examples of Misconduct
Level 1 Breach
Up to 2 penalty Points
Level 2 Breach
Up to 4 penalty points
Level 3 Breach
Up to 10 penalty points
Excessive noise
Eviction from Residence
Excessive lockouts
Eviction from Residence
Eviction from Residence
Abuse or offensive behaviour
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Possession or use of illicit substances
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Eviction from Residence
Glass in pool area
Eviction from Residence
Smoking inside buildings or within 2m of a doorway
Eviction from Residence
Poor Kitchen Hygiene
Eviction from Residence
Leaving key in air conditioner switch when room
Eviction from Residence
Failure to follow a reasonable direction given by the Residence Manger or University staff Member
Eviction from Residence
Vandalism of, damage to, safety equip,emt
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Physical violence
Possible Eviction
Eviction from Residence
Section 7 - Non-Compliance
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