(1) This procedure details the necessary measures that should be taken to ensure the safety of any person who works with a risk of falling at any University work location or while engaged in any University activity. Fall hazards can be found anywhere work is carried out at height or where there is a below ground drop. (2) This is a compliance requirement under the: (3) This document outlines the University’s process for managing potential exposure to a risk of falling because of the hazards associated with the work being undertaken. It applies to any person who is exposed to a risk of falling from a height, their supervisors and/or contractors. (4) In the context of this document: (5) Pro Vice-Chancellors, Heads of School, Directors of Operational Departments, Managers and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring: (6) Facilities Management (FM) is responsible for ensuring: (7) All persons working at heights on University campuses and field locations are responsible for: (8) All persons who are required to work at height using passive fall prevention devices shall hold a certificate of competency from a nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO). (9) The training given must cover, at least: (10) It is highly recommended that supervisors of persons who work at heights also complete relevant training. Other training requirements may be identified via risk assessment, safe work procedure, roof access permit, etc. (11) The risk assessment process outlined in the University’s Risk and Hazard Management procedure must be followed before any activity or task commences where the risk of falling is present, and consideration given to controls such as work platform, barriers, fall restraint or fall arrest harnesses. (12) During the planning process for any activity working at heights, consideration must be given to the following legislative requirements: (13) Individual job factors determine the level of risk associated with falls and are to be managed accordingly to prevent an injury. A risk management approach incorporating the process of identification, risk assessment and controls is required to be undertaken to ensure that hazards do not adversely affect the health and safety of University staff, students, contractors and third parties. (14) It is expected that when working at heights all reasonably foreseeable hazards that could give rise to the risk off falls will be identified. (15) When assessing the risks arising from each fall hazard, the following matters should be considered: (16) The hierarchy of controls need to be applied when managing risks associated with falls. The following should be considered when developing control options: (17) It is important to consider if the following will help to implement and maintain control measures: (18) Risk assessments and controls that have been implemented should be regularly reviewed to ensure: (19) Before the commencement of any work at heights a working at height rescue plan (rescue plan) shall be prepared. Persons conducting the work shall be involved in the development of the rescue plan ensuring they are aware of areas of potential concern. This shall be referred to in the Safe Work Procedure or Job Safety Analysis and included in the Work Pack. A generic rescue plan can be used provided there are no unique circumstances with the task requiring the plan to be modified. (20) As a minimum, the rescue plan shall include: (21) Recovery of persons from heights shall only be undertaken by competent persons. Rescue can only be carried out if it is safe to do so and where the rescue will not place the rescuer and other persons at risk of injury. (22) All University roofs as a minimum requires a documented Roof Safety Survey and associated roof risk assessment. Any person who is required to access a University roof is to follow the process outlined in the risk assessment. (23) University fieldwork, events and activities that require working at heights require planning and a risk assessment of the environment for hazards, and appropriate action to be taken to mitigate risk of falling as per this procedure. (24) Consider the viability of performing the work from the ground. Working on the ground or on a solid construction effectively eliminates the risk of falls. For example, can a roof be prefabricated at ground level, can a spreader be used to cover loads on trucks from the ground and can shelving height be reduced so they may be accessed from ground level. (25) Working on a solid construction can work to provide an environment where the likelihood of a fall can be eliminated. Examples include structural strength, barriers, protection of openings and holes, surface and gradient, and entry and exit. (26) Every person in the ‘basket’ must be secured with suitable fall restraint equipment and there must be systems in place to prevent tools and equipment from falling from the basket. This shall also apply when moving any EWP (inclusive of loading and unloading of a EWP from a transport vehicle) whether elevated or not. (27) An observer / spotter shall be available for personnel working on EWPs to provide additional guidance during moving operations and ensure that persons can readily respond in an emergency. (28) Fall protection using a harness and lanyard shall be deemed as mandatory when working in an EWP including booms and scissor lifts. (29) There is to be NO SMOKING when in the basket of any type of EWP. (30) Use passive fall prevention devices to help prevent a fall for temporary work at heights. (31) All fixed or permanent structural anchorage points shall be certified by a competent person and shall be non-destructive proof tested after installation. Installation and NDT testing documentation including the Engineer’s certificate shall be maintained by FM. (32) Friction and grouted anchorages shall be certified by a competent person and proof loaded to 50% of the design ultimate strength in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions after installation and prior to its initial use. Temporary anchorages shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers or designer’s instructions and shall be inspected by an approved competent person prior to use. (33) Where a person is at risk of falling, edge protection shall be provided by means of guardrails complying with AS 1657 or AS/NZS 1576.1 and: (34) In the case of utilisation of industrial rope access systems both the user and the supervisor shall be a competent person. Examples of work positioning systems include industrial rope access systems and restraint systems. (35) Although fall arrest components are used in the industrial rope access system, the main purpose of the system is to gain access to a work area rather than to provide backup fall protection. (36) Other methods of accessing a workface should be considered (for example, EWPs or building maintenance units) before rope access systems, as a high level of skill is needed for their safe use. (37) The use of a restraint technique is the University’s preferred method to keep workers safe at heights. A restraint technique controls a person’s movement by physically preventing the person reaching a position at which there is a risk of a fall. It consists of a harness that is connected by a lanyard to an anchorage or horizontal life line. It must be set up to prevent the wearer from reaching an unprotected edge. (38) A fall arrest system should only be used if it is not reasonably practicable to use higher level controls, or in conjunction with higher level controls. Where a fall arrest device is being used this equipment is required to have all anchorage points for the device to be inspected before first use and on a regular basis, so they can support the loads. This inspection must be conducted by a competent person. (39) Where the load-bearing capacity of anchor points is impaired, the anchor point is required to be taken out of service to prevent its use. Only suitable equipment such as harness, safety line and other components shall be used in fall arrest systems. (40) Only a competent person shall use fall arrest equipment. Where a fall arrest system is in use, an appropriate Working at Heights Rescue Plan is required in the event of a person falling. All equipment used for fall arrest should be selected, used and maintained in compliance with the AS1891 series of standards. (41) Working from ladders greatly increases the chances of falling compared to other methods of working at heights. Alternate passive fall prevention devices are to be considered. Ladders are only to be used for: (42) Ladders are not to be used for: (43) Always use regularly inspected and maintained industrial ladders that comply with Australian Standards, that have a clearly displayed load rating of at least 120kg. Do not use domestic ladders. (44) Ladders are available in a variety of types and materials including portable or fixed. To ensure risks associated with performing the intended task are minimised, it is important that the appropriate ladder is used for each job. (45) Step ladders of a maximum height of 1.8 metres and of industrial quality that complies with the applicable Australian Standards shall only be permitted on site where: (46) The following guidance is to be applied: (47) The following guidance is to be applied: (48) For extension ladders, such as the rope-and-pulley type, ensure: (49) Any areas using ladders are to ensure they are regularly inspected and maintained by a competent person. To verify ladders are still maintained within the specifications set out by the manufacturer all ladders should be inspected: (50) All ladders should be stored on racks out of the elements when not in use and should be effectively supported and free of any hanging material. (51) Ladders identified as having a defect must be taken out of service immediately and an "Out of Service" tag affixed. This tag must not be taken off the ladder until the ladder has been repaired or destroyed by cutting the ladder into sections approximately one meter, or no more than two rungs, in length. Any repairs should not reduce the ladder's structural integrity when compared to the original design. (52) Each area is to maintain a register of ladders that they own and ensure inspection occurs. (53) All testing, inspection and maintenance exercises undertaken should be outlined in a ladder register. A record for each ladder should include information such as a brief description of the ladder, the date of purchase, the date of introduction to service and general details of service. (54) Objects falling from heights can place those working near or below at risk. Consideration must be made for plant, equipment or other objects required for use at heights. (55) Where working at height requires objects such as tools and equipment the following shall be required: (56) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct – Students. (57) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Code of Conduct – Staff and Code of Conduct - Students. (58) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.Working at Heights Procedure
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Compliance
Top of PageSection 3 - Intent
Section 4 - Relevant Definitions
Top of Page
Section 5 - Procedure
Training and Competency
Risk Management
Assessment of Risk
Applying Controls
Monitoring and Review
Working at Height Rescue Plan
Working on Roofs
University Off-Campus Activities
Fall Prevention
Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs)
Passive Fall Prevention Devices
Anchor Points
Edge Protection
Industrial Rope Access Systems
Restraint Technique
Fall Arrest Systems
Step Ladders
Straight and Extension Ladders
Prevention of Falls (Ladders)
Ladder Inspections and Maintenance
Defective Ladders
Falling or Dropped Objects
Top of PageSection 6 - Non-Compliance
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