(1) Charles Darwin University (‘the University’, ‘CDU’) takes pride in student achievements and provides robust processes for those achievements to be formalised, quality assured, documented and celebrated. (2) Conferral and certification processes are designed to assure the integrity of CDU unit and course completions, ensuring that a CDU qualification is recognised and valued by employers, industries and professional bodies. (3) This policy outlines the University’s approach to conferral and certification of awards, including graduation ceremonies. (4) This policy applies to all students enrolled in an award unit or course at CDU, and includes those in vocational and higher education and those enrolled with partner organisations. (5) Higher Degree by Research students are advised to read this policy in conjunction with the Higher Degree by Research Policy. (6) The University Council authorises the awarding of University qualifications and approves the scheduling of graduation ceremonies. (7) Conferral and certification processes will ensure: (8) The University will identify vocational and higher education students who have completed an award at the end date of each teaching period, assessing their progress against the requirements of the course. (9) Once a student has been assessed as having completed their award, they will be assessed for eligibility for award conferral. (10) A candidate for a Bachelor Honours Degree who has reached the required standard of proficiency may be awarded a Bachelor Honours Degree class in line with the Grading Policy. (11) While a student may be completed, students will not be eligible for conferral (to receive documentation or graduate), where they have: (12) Students who are eligible for conferral and are assessed as having completed their course will have the following documentation issued to them within ten (10) working days. (13) An award can be conferred at a graduation ceremony or at a University Council meeting. (14) Students must nominate their preferred method of conferral by the published deadline. (15) Students who have not nominated their preferred method will be automatically conferred in absentia at the next graduation ceremony. (16) Award conferral is public information and the University will publish graduate information in the official graduation program. (17) Graduands who have nominated to have their award conferred at graduation will be invited to attend a ceremony, usually with a minimum of six (6) weeks’ notice. Graduands can elect to: (18) Graduands are required to wear academic dress for their graduation ceremony, as detailed in the Academic Dress Procedure. (19) Graduands may request to defer their attendance at a ceremony by up to twelve (12) months. (20) Graduands may request to attend the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE) presentation ceremony in Batchelor or Alice Springs, instead of a CDU graduation ceremony, if they: (21) In electing to attend a BIITE presentation ceremony, graduands are authorising CDU to transfer required personal information and documentation to BIITE for the purpose of participating in the ceremony. (22) The University will provide BIITE with a list of graduands (and their official CDU documentation) as soon as is practicable after the cut-off date for each graduation round, for publication in the BIITE presentation program. (23) Graduands electing to attend a BIITE presentation ceremony will: (24) Graduands are not eligible for Away from Base funding to travel to a graduation or presentation ceremony. (25) Successful recipients of student awards under the University and Chancellor's Medals - HE Student Award Procedure and University and Chancellor's Medals - VET Student Award Procedure, will be: (26) The University will issue official certification documentation (see Table 1) to graduands in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards and guidelines. (27) A minor, major, specialisation, or Honours class may appear on the graduand’s academic transcript and/or testamur. (28) Students who have an award conferred but then continue to the next level of a nested course (for example moving from a Graduate Certificate to a Graduate Diploma) will not be required to surrender their award. (29) Testamurs will be replaced (at no cost) upon surrender of the original Testamur, where: (30) A Testamur that is lost or stolen will be replaced (at no cost), subject to the submission of a statutory declaration or police report as relevant. (31) Additional copies of certification can be requested and may be subject to a fee: (32) To ensure the integrity of an academic award and the accuracy of University records, an award may be: (33) The University may confer an award or certificate on a student before completion if circumstances prevent the student completing their course. These circumstances include: (34) The Council may confer an award if: (35) If a student, a student’s family, or a person holding power of attorney for a student would like to request the conferral of an award in the case of the death or the permanent incapacity of a student, they should contact Graduations. (36) Graduations will pass the request to the student's (37) A coursework student may be considered for an award if they had completed at least two thirds of their course and was likely to have satisfied the requirements for the award if they had been able to continue their studies. (38) Students who had not completed two thirds of their course but were in good academic standing may be considered for a Certificate of Achievement. (39) The relevant Associate Dean Learning and Teaching may apply to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, who will make a recommendation to Council. (40) An HDR candidate may be considered for an award if the Research Committee judges that the candidate had completed sufficient documentation in the form of data and publications and would have satisfied the requirements of the award if they had been in a position to continue their work. (41) Where a student does not meet the criteria above, but has made progress towards their research studies and was otherwise in good standing with the University, may be considered for a Certificate of Achievement. (42) The relevant Associate Dean Research and Research Training may apply to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, who will make a recommendation to the Council. (43) The University will maintain official records of all conferrals, including Testamurs issued. (44) Graduation programs are an official record of all graduates (including recipients of all award types), and may be amended from time to time with the approval of the Chancellor. (45) Award conferral and revocation data will be reported periodically to relevant governance committees. (46) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct - Employees or the Code of Conduct - Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct - Students. (47) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure - Employees and Complaints Policy - Students. (48) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.Conferral and Certification Policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Completion and eligibility for conferral
Graduation ceremony
Deferral to a future graduation ceremony
Request to attend Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education presentation ceremony
Student awards
Certification documentation
Table 1: Types of official documentation by course
Official Certification Documents
Higher Education
Vocational Education & Training
Replacement certification
Revocation of an award
Conferring higher education awards posthumously or in the event of permanent incapacity
Minimum requirements – coursework
Minimum requirements – higher degree by research
Record Management and Reporting
Section 5 - Non-Compliance
View Current
This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
VET graduates will receive a digital VET Graduation Testamur. VET graduates will receive a physical VET Graduation Testamur if they attend a ceremony or request a copy from Graduations after conferral.