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Marketing Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) Charles Darwin University (‘the University’, ‘CDU’) engages with a range of stakeholders including prospective students, current students and alumni for the purposes of promoting the university. The University is committed to ensuring the marketing of its education, training and research is accurate, ethical and maintains the integrity of the Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training sectors.

(2) The University must have a consistent, consolidated and coordinated approach to marketing that complies with relevant acts and regulations to provide education and training to students.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(3) This policy outlines the responsibilities of various departments in the University relating to marketing and ensures that all operations and activities are conducted in a way that ensures the University meets its obligations.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This policy applies to all marketing, sales and promotional materials produced or distributed for the purpose of recruiting students in Australia and overseas by the University or its partner organisations, including advertising agencies, recruitment agents and other third-party providers.

(5) This policy includes print and electronic media, social media, in-person engagements, telephone calls and events.

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Section 4 - Policy


(6) The University logo and identity should be utilised as brand marks unless otherwise permitted. Other logos, slogans, or tag lines shall not be created or used to represent faculties, organisational units, projects, initiatives, research centres, institutes, organisations, or communities of the University.

(7) The Vice-Chancellor, together with the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, may approve exceptions for special logos for national research centres and Cooperative Research Centres, which are required to design a distinctive logo under Commonwealth grant arrangements.

(8) The CDU logo and corporate identity must be used in accordance with the Brand Style Guide established and maintained by Marketing, Media and Communications.

(9) The use of the University name, logo, or tagline, whether developed by the University or third-parties, must be reviewed for corporate identity compliance and authorised by Marketing, Media and Communications or CDU Global.

(10) Members of the Vice-Chancellor's Advisory Committee are responsible for ensuring their staff adhere to the approved Brand Guidelines.

(11) Any work produced for external audiences, including but not limited to publications and marketing materials (printed, electronic, and audio-visual/ video content), must be handled by designers, producers, or vendors approved by Marketing, Media and Communications or CDU Global.

(12) Application of the logo by third parties must be pre-approved by Marketing, Media and Communications or CDU Global.

Student Recruitment Materials

(13) The Vice-President Global and External Relations, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer and Director CDU Global are responsible for maintaining compliance and implementing systems and processes to maintain compliance with this policy and the relevant legislation and regulations including the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 Part B – Standard 1 – Marketing information and practices, the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021Standards for Registered Training OrganisationsPrivacy Act 1988Spam Act 2003, and the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011.

(14) In order to ensure compliance with the standards, the following must be applied to all published and online student recruitment materials:

  1. Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) Provider No. 00300K
  2. TEQSA Provider ID PRV12069
  3. Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Provider No. 0373.
  4. unsubscribe link.

Domestic Student Recruitment

(15) Marketing, Media and Communications creates and implements marketing and communication strategies to attract domestic students to apply for CDU courses and programs. In addition to this, the department manages strategic brand communications, as well as course-specific marketing strategies in partnership with the faculties and CDU TAFE.

(16) Marketing, Media and Communications manages the outreach and interactions with schools, educators, careers counsellors and education agents in Australia. Any requests to engage in school activities relating to student recruitment should be directed to the Student Recruitment and Events Manager to ensure a uniform and effective approach in managing relationships with schools.

(17) Domestic recruitment events such as open days, career expos, webinars and information sessions are managed by Marketing, Media and Communications. No other department of the University is permitted to have separate presence at events where the University is already represented, unless otherwise approved, in writing, by the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.

Higher Education Marketing

(18) As a higher education provider, CDU must ensure that marketing of the University is in accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. According to the Framework, as a higher education provider, CDU must:

  1. adhere to the guidelines and principles set forth in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 to maintain the quality and integrity of its marketing practices.
  2. ensure that all marketing materials, including websites, brochures, and advertisements, accurately and truthfully represent the programs, courses, and services offered by the University.
  3. avoid making false or misleading claims about the educational offerings, facilities, or outcomes, ensuring transparency and honesty in all promotional activities.
  4. promote diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity in its marketing messages, reflecting CDU's commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
  5. provide clear and accessible information to prospective students about entry requirements, fees, and any other relevant aspects that may influence their decision to enrol in a course or program at CDU.
  6. comply with any applicable laws and regulations related to marketing and advertising, including those specific to the tertiary education sector.
  7. regularly review and update marketing materials to ensure they remain current, relevant, and aligned with the University's strategic goals and objectives.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Marketing

(19) The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 has stringent guidelines for marketing of Vocational Education and Training programs. In particular, the University must ensure that it is complying with the below standards:

  1. Standard 4 – Marketing and recruitment practices: Ensuring all marketing practices are accurate, ethical, and do not create false or misleading impressions about our courses, qualifications, or employment prospects.
  2. Standard 5 – Information provided to prospective learners: Providing clear and accurate information about our courses, entry requirements, fees, and support services to prospective students.

(20) The standards above are explained in detail below, the University must ensure that:

  1. prospective students are fully informed about –
    1. the products and services offered (including clear information on fees / charges and refund policies), to enable them to make an informed choice between training providers;
    2. individual rights and responsibilities while studying at the University;
    3. their repayment obligations, especially in relation to VET FEE-HELP, VET Student Loans or other fee loan options.
  2. its RTO Code (0373) and, where relevant, CRICOS (00300K) is clearly displayed;
  3. any programs promoted are on the University’s Scope of Registration;
  4. the national code and title of relevant training products, as they appear on the National Register, are clearly displayed;
  5. the National Recognised Training logo is only used in promotional material that relates to nationally accredited training products;
  6. any delivery of training and assessment by the University on behalf of another RTO or any training and assessment delivered on the University’s behalf by a third party, is clearly indicated;
  7. students are not misled in relation to possible employment or licencing outcomes from training programs.

International Marketing

(21) The University’s name and CRICOS provider number must be included in the footer of the University website and all marketing materials intended for international students. Prospective international students are often already in Australia, and in order to ensure compliance, the CRICOS number should be added to all marketing and promotional materials. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. every page of the University website.
  2. email signatures for all CDU staff.
  3. advertising for courses.
  4. headers or footers used in letters or emails making offers to international students, promoting courses or for marketing purposes.
  5. student handbooks, information guides and prospectus.
  6. marketing tools, including banners and templates in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.

(22) The University will only promote full-time study options to international student visa holders. In publications targeting both domestic students, international students, non-student visa holders, and listing part-time study options, a note will emphasise that international student visa holders must adhere to their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) program duration or pursue full-time study.

(23) The University will only promote courses which are CRICOS registered to international students. No courses will be made available for enrolment on any of the University’s marketing materials until CRICOS registration has been approved.

False or misleading information

(24) Standard 1: Marketing Information and Practices of the National Code contains information on what information universities should provide to prospective and current students.

(25) In relation to the above CDU marketing material must not give false or misleading information or advice in relation to:

  1. claims of association with any other persons or organisations in which the University has arrangements with for delivery of a course.
  2. the employment outcomes associated with a course.
  3. any compulsory work-based training such as work integrated learning units required as part of a course.
  4. automatic acceptance into a course.
  5. admission requirements of course, including pre-requisites and English language proficiency requirements for entry into a course.
  6. possible migration outcomes.
  7. any other claims relating to the University, the University’s courses or outcomes associated with University courses. 


(26) The University values privacy and information security and complies with legislative requirements. All staff with access to information collected for marketing purposes must manage that information in accordance with the including the Direct Marketing Association Code of Ethics Telemarketing Code of Practice and Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.

(27) Marketing, Media and Communications and CDU Global will work collaboratively with other organisational units and external stakeholders in developing a consistent and coordinated approach to marketing and student recruitment in line with the University branding guidelines, CDU Strategic Plan, Global Enabling Plan, and government and industry regulations.

(28) CDU Global will:

  1. develop strategies aimed at increasing international student numbers studying in Australia.
  2. work with the faculties and CDU TAFE to develop strategies to develop new courses and adequate promotion of these.
  3. assure quality in the activities of partner organisations and education agents.
  4. recruit and appoint international agents, including training, conducting due diligence checks and overseeing the management of agents in accordance with the International Students - Appointment and Monitoring of Education Agents Procedure, and ensuring agents are appointed within government and industry regulations.
  5. assess prospective partner organisations for due diligence as per the Third Party Partnerships For Educational Provision Policy and Procedure.
  6. in conjunction with Customer Experience, manage enquiries from prospective international students and agents.
  7. provide current marketing materials for staff marketing to international students.
  8. support Marketing, Media and Communications by ensuring that all marketing material is compliant with the relevant industry regulations regarding recruitment of international students.
  9. establish relationships with overseas partner organisations, ensuring due diligence and compliance with the Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020.
  10. monitor and report on the progress of international partners.
  11. promote inbound and outbound mobility opportunities and support students to have international experiences while studying.

(29) Marketing, Media and Communications is responsible for:

  1. management of the University’s brand and reputation.
  2. approval of general marketing, advertising and promotional material, including all direct communications, advertising and publications.


(30) Marketing, Media and Communications is responsible for approving and managing outgoing sponsorship arrangements on behalf of the University. These sponsorships may include the University paying for some or all expenses associated with a project, event or activity in exchange for recognition.

(31) All sponsorship requests must be approved by the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.


(32) Marketing, Media and Communications appoints and oversees domestic advertising agencies who provide professional advice, media and creative services for business branding and course marketing campaigns and other important initiatives.

(33) Only approved agencies should be engaged for the development of marketing and promotional material in accordance with the Procurement Policy and Procurement Procedure.

(34) Employment advertising is handled by People and Culture.

(35) The Chief Marketing and Communications Officer or a delegate must approve all advertisements for editorial, brand, and legal compliance.

(36) The Director CDU Global most approve all advertisements that appear in off-shore media.

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Section 5 - Non-Compliance

(37) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct – Students.

(38) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure - Employees and Complaints Policy - Students.

(39) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.