(1) Charles Darwin University (the University) has a duty of care under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) to protect the health and safety of staff, students, contractors, and authorised visitors to the University. All University staff also have a duty to not recklessly endanger others in the workplace under the WHS Act. (2) Further, the University and all University staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and authorised visitors are required to comply with the Liquor Act 2019 (NT), Misuse of Drugs Act 1990 (NT) and the Criminal Code Act 1983 (NT), which set out processes and offences related to the supply and use of alcohol and other drugs respectively. (3) Alcohol and other drugs, including prescription or over-the-counter medicines, can affect employee health and a person’s ability to work safely. The University is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and productive work and study environment that discourages illegal and inappropriate use of alcohol and other drugs. (4) This policy outlines obligations of the University, and staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and authorised visitors to ensure that the University is a safe and healthy environment in the context of alcohol and drugs use. It outlines legal obligations related to the service and use of alcohol in the Northern Territory and the University’s expectations in creating and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming University environment for University staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and authorised visitors. (5) This policy applies to all University staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and authorised visitors and all activities that take place on University property, that officially represent, or could be perceived as representing, the University. (6) Under the WHS Act, the University is responsible for: (7) If a situation arises where the use of alcohol and other drugs negatively impacts University staff, students, contractors or visitors the University will provide relevant information to the relevant Police Force and act to protect the safety of University staff, students, contractors or visitors. (8) The University aims to reduce the potential of personal and professional harm associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs by members of its community by: (9) If an (10) The University will not accept alcohol and/or drug use as an excuse for inappropriate behaviour or sub-standard performance. (11) All staff members are required to act in an ethical and lawful manner as consistent with the University’s Code of Conduct – Staff, the Liquor Act, Misuse of Drugs Act, the WHS Act, the Criminal Code Act, and this policy. (12) Staff members who are taking prescription or non-prescription drugs that may impact on their performance or behaviour in the workplace must bring the matter to the attention of their supervisor prior to commencing work. This information is considered private and will be protected in line with the University’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. (13) Staff members may not consume alcohol and other drugs before reporting for duty when consumption could affect work performance or impact their own or others’ safety when on duty. (14) Staff members who believe or suspect that a colleague or student is under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs, and thus could present a safety risk to themselves or others, have a duty to bring this to the attention of an (15) When representing the University in any capacity whether on or off University premises, and whether inside or outside of normal business hours, staff members are expected to demonstrate professional and responsible behaviour and comply with University policies, rules, and legislation where the use/service of alcohol or/and other drugs is concerned. (16) Staff members must not operate machinery or equipment or drive a University vehicle whilst under the influence of any alcohol or/and other drugs. Staff members engaged in activities where impairment from alcohol and/or other drugs may impact safety or the health of staff, students, contractors, or authorised visitors may be subject to drug tests. (17) Staff members have a duty of care to ensure that any student under their care does not operate machinery or equipment or drive a University vehicle whilst under the influence of any alcohol and other drugs. To exercise this duty of care staff members may need to organise drug tests for students engaged in activities where impairment from alcohol or other drugs may create a risk to the student, or other students and staff. (18) When organising a University function where alcohol is available, staff members must comply with the Liquor Act as outlined below. Events should encourage responsible and safe consumption of alcohol and be inclusive events. (19) A staff member exhibiting behaviour that impacts on the safety or performance of staff, students, visitors or contractors may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the University laws and governing instruments. (20) University staff must not attend work under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol may be consumed socially in work settings, as long as the alcohol consumed does not impact the safety and health of staff, students, contractors or authorised visitors or impact staff performance. (21) All University staff are obliged to take reasonable care and maintain standards of acceptable behaviour whilst on University property and when representing the University. This includes being unimpaired by alcohol and other drugs when attending or representing the University. (22) All staff members are responsible for conducting themselves in an appropriate manner and encouraging standards of acceptable behaviour in others. In accordance with their designated level of responsibility, all staff members are responsible for addressing inappropriate behaviour in students/staff under their care. (23) All students are required to act in an ethical and lawful manner as consistent with the University’s Student Code of Conduct, the Liquor Act, Misuse of Drugs Act, the WHS Act, the Criminal Code Act, and this policy. (24) All students are expected to recognise that alcohol and other drugs can negatively impact their health and safety and academic performance. (25) Students who are adversely affected by alcohol and other drugs should not attend an academic activity, for example, lectures, tutorials, laboratories, workshops on University premises, facilities or University approved external excursions. (26) If an authorised officer determines that a student may be impaired by alcohol and other drugs, the authorised officer may direct that student to cease academic activity immediately and remove themselves from the facilities. (27) Students engaged in activities where impairment from alcohol or other drugs may create a risk to the student or other students may be subject to drug testing in line with industry standards and the WHS Act. (28) Students are obliged to take reasonable care and maintain standards of acceptable behaviour whilst on University property and when representing the University, including but not limited to functions; off-campus learning activities; international in-country study programs; exchange programs; and sporting events. This includes being unimpaired by alcohol and other drugs when attending or representing the University. (29) A student exhibiting behaviour that impacts on the safety or performance of other members of the University community may be subject to disciplinary action being taken in accordance with the Charles Darwin University (Student Conduct) By-laws, Charles Darwin University (Student Residences) By-laws, Charles Darwin University (Site and Traffic) By-laws and/or any other Governance documents. (30) No University funds provided to student groups are to be used for the purchase of alcohol and other drugs. (31) All authorised visitors, volunteers and contractors to the University are required to act in an ethical and lawful manner as consistent with the University’s Staff Code of Conduct and this policy. Visitors, volunteers, and contractors must not attend University functions or work on University premises whilst under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Any breach of this policy by visitors, volunteers and contractors may be referred to the relevant Police Force. (32) In line with the Liquor Act, University staff and students must not consume, possess, or transport alcohol into alcohol protected areas when representing the University or otherwise engaged in University business. This includes transportation in any University or personal vehicle whilst on duty. (33) All staff members responsible for organising University events, whether they are informal or formal events or functions must seek permission from the Director Property and Facilities 14 days before the event and provide evidence that they have assessed and mitigated any risks associated with the event and comply with the Responsible Service of Alcohol. (34) The University does not hold a liquor licence. At any formal University event where alcohol is sold, supplied or served event organisers must use a caterer who holds a liquor licence. Event organisers must ensure there are appropriate event risk mitigation procedures in place, including considering whether onsite security is required for the event. (35) At all University events or functions, the following Responsible Service of Alcohol rules must be followed: (36) At University events and functions where alcohol is served, in line with the Staff and Student Codes of Conduct, staff members and students are expected to: (37) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students as applicable and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures. (38) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure. (39) Any behaviour that contravenes the Liquor Act and the Misuse of Drugs Act will be reported to the relevant authorities. (40) Failure to abide by the terms outlined in this policy may lead to disciplinary action and, if severe enough, may be referred to the relevant law enforcement authorities. (41) Any disciplinary action will be determined after due consideration of the facts and may include, but is not limited to, the following:Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances Policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
University Responsibilities
Staff Members - Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Authorised visitors, volunteers, and contractors to the University
Alcohol Protected Areas
University Events Involving Alcohol
Top of PageSection 5 - Non-compliance
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